Loading All 0 - 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Mike Abbene Cloud Software Manager, BRData John Abbene President, BRdata Software Solutions Francisco Alberto Vice President of Marketing and Sales, Wakefern Food Corp Nathan Aldridge Certified Trainer, Gourmet Foods International Lucy Angarita Director, Supply Chain Visibility, GS1 US, GS1 Enid Barillas Chief Executive Officer, AM Inc DBA Econo Healthy Path Markets Jody Barrick Sr. Vice President Fresh Meat, Seafood, Bakery, Deli, Specialty, UNFI Rob Belcore Chief Customer Officer/Co-Founder, RSA America Carey Berger President, Business Service Resource Group Jacob Bergum Sales Executive, SPINS Nicholas Bertram President & CEO, Flashfood Ron Bonacci Owner, REB Enterprises Sarah Brennan Board Administrator/Sustainability Coordinator, Brattleboro Food Coop Casie Broker Chief Marketing Officer, Price Chopper Bryan Burgess Employee Benefits Producer, Houchens Insurance Group Sean Burke CEO, Cash Depot Caroline Catoe President, ECRS Rahul Chabukswar Founder and CEO, Homesome Tom Charley Owner, Charley Family Shop 'n Save Tony Clark COO, W.H. Koch Co., Inc. Jon Cline Chief Relationship Officer, FMS Solutions, Inc. Jamie Collins Vice President, Marketing & Advertising, Dierbergs Markets Peter Cooke Co-Founder, Ratio Institute Matt Corbin Director of Marketing, Lowe's Markets Prabash Coswatte Chief Operating Officer, Heritage Grocery Group James Councill Loyalty & Promotions Business Unit Manager, ECRS Kevin Coupe Content Guy, MorningNewsBeat Michelle Covey Vice President of Community Engagement, GS1 Jeff Cowan Sr. Director, Community Engagement,, GS1 Randy Crimmins Chief Revenue Officer, Mercatus Lindsay Czarniak Broadcaster Kevin Davies Chief Revenue Officer, Provision Analytics Amy Davis Vice President, Regional Grocery West, Kellanova Eric Dell President and CEO, American Bakers Association Joseph Dwyer Data Science Manager, BRData Matt Eckhouse President, Professional Services, UNFI Leigh Engelbrecht President, Advay Media Group Ken Espiau Principal Solutions Architect, Stratus Vanessa Ethier Managing Director of HR Consultancy & Outsourcing, CLA (Clifton Larson Allen LLP) Casey Fannon Chief Executive Officer, National Cooperative Bank (NCB) Greg Ferrara President & CEO, National Grocers Association Judd Ferrer Chief Strategy Officer, Fincretive Glenn Figenholtz Senior Vice President, Merchandising, Lowes Foods Tamara Fleming Director, Sales Core Customers, The Clorox Company Miriam Framson Vice President of Operations, Citrus America, Inc., Brandy Frisbie Human Resources Director, Leevers Supermarkets, Inc. Tom Furphy CEO, Consumer Equity Partners John Furton President and COO, Sifter David Ganoung VP, Marketing, Harps Food Stores, Inc. Hillary Garland Group Director, Category Leadership North America Retail Portfolio, The Coca Cola Company Randolph Gaw Founder, GawPoe LLC Lynn Giacomini Stray Co-Owner/COO, Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Company Bob Graybill President & CEO, FMS Solutions Wells Gunn Consumer Staple & Retail Practice Leader, Houchens Insurance Group Roger Hancock CEO, Recall InfoLink Doug Haworth General Manager GOT Systems, FMS Solutions Rachel Hereford Marketing Campaign Manager, CertCo, Inc. Dennis Host Senior Vice President/Marketing and Communications, Coborns, Inc Katie Hotze Founder and CEO, GroceryShopii Heidi Huff SVP, Consumer Engagement, Alliance Retail Group Patrick Hughes CEO, eGrowcery Bob Jaskolski President & CEO, Trig's Stephanie Johnson Vice President, Government Relations, National Grocers Association Samantha Johnston Director of Marketing, Clarks Market Chris Jones Chief Government Relations Officer & Counsel, National Grocers Association Mark Kahl President, Sendik's Food Markets Morgan Kahl Assistant Store Director, Sendik's Food Markets Damien Katris Global Omnichannel, Data & Analytics Director, TCC Global Kevin Kelley Co-founding partner and principal, ShookKelley Sabrina Kieffer President, Phood Solutions Jenna Krakomperger Student, Apples Market Rick Krause President/Owner, Pic Rite Management and Consulting Inc. Elise Kunkel Web Services Lead, SpartanNash Michael La Kier Vice President, Brand Development, Independent Grocers Alliance Benjamin Labry Senior Director of Business Development, US, Blackhawk Network Dana Lawnzak Director, Food Chain Outreach, The American Egg Board Aeron Lawrence Director, Partner Development, Flipp Nick Lenzi Senior Vice President of Marketing, Lipari Foods Andrew Lickiss Business Development Manager, Retail Technologies, Aperion (A Division of Hussmann) Marilyn Logan General Manager, The Marmaton Market Inc Shaun Londahl President, King Retail Solutions Mike Lovsin Chairman, Freson Bros Tim Lowe President & CEO, Lowes Foods Grant Lunde Digital Marketing Director, C&S Wholesale Grocers Jay Lysinger Account Director, SafetyCulture Kara Maciel Founding Partner and Chair, National labor & employment practice group, Conn Maciel Carey Jessica Maniscalco Sr. Retail Insights Manager, SPINS Kristie Maurer Co owner, Maurer's Market Norman Mayne CEO, Dorothy Lane Market William McRaven Retired U.S. Navy Four-Star Admiral Victoria Means Owner, Community Grocers Inc. DBA Three Forks Marketplace Jeffrey Mondelli Vice President, Grocery, DSD, Specialty Grocery, Wakefern Food Corp. Richie Morgan Executive Chairman, North State Grocery, Inc. Matthew Morris Principal, The Food Partners John Mostler Director – Pricing & Analytics, Allegiance Retail Services Megan Nelson VP Retail & Distributor Growth, SPINS Nick Nicktaas General Manager, Local Independent Grocery, Instacart Thomas Olson Retail Media Manager, URM Stores, Inc. Bridger Oswald Systems Administrator, Broulim's Supermarkets Kelly Pearse Chief Human Resources Officer, Sendik's Food Markets 1 2